hit song

美 [hɪt sɔːŋ]英 [hɪt sɒŋ]
  • 红极一时的歌曲
hit songhit song
  1. Throughout the Twenties , Lardner tried in vain to write a hit song , so at last he turned to parody .


  2. ' Whoa , I 'm goin ' to Barbay-dos ! ' ran the jaunty lyrics of a 1970s hit song .


  3. His career reached a new high with the hit song .


  4. Her Hit song from that album is called The Game of Love .


  5. Great aromas can change a mood just as easily as a hit song .


  6. It also was the name of a popular dance and hit song in the1930s .


  7. With a hit song and work in commercials , she 's making a name for herself .


  8. Eminem holds the record for the most words in a hit song .


  9. Yeah I can just see some of you are like , stop complaining and write a hit song !


  10. However , all three members of the band wrote this huge hit song , Smells Like Teen Spirit .


  11. Their impact on the music industry has been radioactive , just as the title of their hit song suggests .


  12. It also was the name of a popular dance and a hit song in the nineteen thirties .


  13. And ... we were singsing Pharrell 's hit song ' get lucky ' .


  14. You know , if you were a songwriter , 25 years ago , you wrote a hit song ,


  15. Those kids have told all of their friends that their aunt wrote Cora 's new hit song .


  16. Today , you 're a songwriter , you write a hit song , it gets a million streams ,


  17. Gangnam Style , a hit song by South Korean singer PSY , became a global phenomenon in 2012 .


  18. I was awful , and to this day I apologize to Zhou Xuan for murdering her 1937 hit song .


  19. The ringtone from a hit song , " mice Love Rice " , generated over $ 10m in sales in 2005 , for example .


  20. This video features Erhu player , He Yun , playing a hit song by JJ Lin - " Jiang Nan " .


  21. Adele 's new hit song ' Hello ' has become much more than just a comforting break-up anthem for women wounded by past relationships .


  22. An American Airlines pilot was forced to make an emergency landing after a passenger refused to stop singing Whitney Houston 's hit song I Will Always Love You .


  23. Min-woo 's first album show him as an R & B singer , though his first hit song , Just One Night , is more of a jazz genre .


  24. Jessie J 's hit song Price Tag , almost four years after its initial release , still regularly gets airplay , proving that the star is here to stay .


  25. The wave of anger and patriotism generated by CNN 's recent offensive coverage of China has produced a smash hit song and stirred millions of Internet users into a show of solidarity .


  26. The hit song @ Yes , We Have No Bananas , @ is reminiscent of this drum-heavy musical style , especially from Trinidad and Tobago .


  27. Exhibit B : Nosebleed seats to see Donny and Marie Osmond -- who haven 't had a hit song together since the Carter Administration -- run more than $ 100 .


  28. Forever Young Aimed at a similar demographic and receiving just as much buzz as Tiny Times is the youthful romance pic Forever Young based on a hit song by He Jiong from 2004 .


  29. The Life of Pi sequel shows Psy as the protagonist stranded at sea with just two things , a tiger and a boombox which only plays his hit song Gangnam Style .


  30. In 2013 , Eminem set the world record for the most words in a hit song thanks to " Rap God , " which clocks in at 1560 words in six minutes and four seconds .
